My career professional goal in life is to get more people and companies to use data and the scientific method to improve their computer security, and I do so as the Data-Driven Defense Evangelist at KnowBe4, a security awareness education company. I am a 30+-year senior computer security consultant and cybersecurity architect specializing in general computer security, identity management, PKI, Windows computer security, host security, cloud security, honeypots, APT, and defending against hackers and malware. I have also written 13 books (9 solo, 4 co-written) and over 1,100 national magazine articles on computer security. I was the weekly computer security columnist for InfoWorld/CSO magazines from 2005 to 2019. I frequently get interviewed for radio shows (including NPR's All Things Considered), podcasts, magazines (including Newsweek) and television.
Fighting spear phishing attacks is the single best thing you can do to prevent breaches. Social engineering is involved in 70% to 90% of successful compromises. It is the number one way that all hackers and malware compromise devices and networks. No other initial root cause comes close (unpatched software and firmware is a distant second being involved […]
Readers, am I missing something in my inclusive list? I need your help. If you want to stop thieves from breaking into your house, over and over, you need to figure out how the thieves could break into your house (e.g., doors, windows, floor, ceiling, basement, roof, wall, etc.),figure out the MOST LIKELY ways they […]
Ransomware has become one of the most dreaded problems in the cyber world and it’s only getting worse. Much worse! Traditionally, ransomware was a trojan horse malware program which when it found a new host computer simply went off, encrypted all the data it could find, and sent the user an onscreen message to pay a […]